Celebrating, Supporting and Expanding Canada’s Hedge Fund Industry

Who We Are

Alternative IQ is a division of Alliance Sales and Marketing, Inc. and is specifically committed to celebrating, supporting and expanding Canada’s hedge fund industry.


Julie Makepeace
Managing Director, Alternative IQ

A chief marketing officer and senior executive with 30 years financial services marketing experience, Ms. Makepeace is President, Alliance Sales and Marketing, Inc. Prior to founding Alliance Sales and Marketing in 2000, Julie was a member of the original Executive Team at Working Ventures Canadian Fund, Canada’s first national retail venture capital fund. As Senior Vice President, Marketing she was responsible for raising more than $860 million and creating a new asset class in Canada2015-CHFA-9210. Since then, under various types of contracts, Julie has supported numerous asset management companies in launching their firms and/or launching new investment products and can point to an impressive track record of capital-raising success. Ms. Makepeace’s strategic planning and marketing expertise was grounded in years of senior management positions with one of Canada’s Schedule 1 Banks.
She has the CSC, CPH and OPD of the Canadian Securities Institute, is a Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Economics) degree from the University of Western Ontario.


Julie Makepeace on LinkedIn